This is the personal website of Likan Zhan. This website has an English version and a Chinese version. The two language versions are not a translation of each other, but contain different contents.
Recent Updates
- English
- 2018/02/09 Visual World Paradigm
- 2018/02/07 Language
- 2018/02/07 Experimental Paradigms
- 2018/02/01 Curriculum Vitae
- 2018/01/26 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
- Chinese
- 2017/08/11 统计的显著性水平
- 2017/08/04 72 位著名科学家呼吁提高统计显著性水平以提升科学研究的可重复性
- 2017/07/15 婴儿对社会性刺激的注视模式:双生子和自闭症研究
- 2017/07/09 起跑线上的教育有用吗?
- 2017/07/04 元记忆能力发展的神经基础